You cannot hold value 67.800 in an INT, not even in a UINT
Max value of an INT is 32.767
Max value of a UINT is 65.535
Max value of a LONG is 2.147.483.647
Dim L() As Byte = bc.SubString2("1234567890",5,8)
Dim n As Long = bc.StringFromBytes(L)
Log(n * 100)
You cannot hold value 67.800 in an INT, not even in a UINT
Max value of an INT is 32.767
Max value of a UINT is 65.535
Max value of a LONG is 2.147.483.647
Dim L() As Byte = bc.SubString2("1234567890",5,8)
Dim n As Long = bc.StringFromBytes(L)
Log(n * 100)