Please help how can i create a generic handler using vb to receive the response from the API after the transaction is successful
the URL should be include here
My problem is how can i create that generic handler to automatically get this json response so that i can use it to find wether the transaction was successfull or not below is the response that is sent by the api after a successful execution thanks in advance. Note this notification changes based on the phone number that has sent the request
Below is an example of the notification sent when the transaction is successful.
the URL should be include here
Subscriptiondetails.put("status_notification_url","needed generic handler here to receive response posted by the api")
My problem is how can i create that generic handler to automatically get this json response so that i can use it to find wether the transaction was successfull or not below is the response that is sent by the api after a successful execution thanks in advance. Note this notification changes based on the phone number that has sent the request
Below is an example of the notification sent when the transaction is successful.
{"status": "SUCCESSFUL", "msisdn": "256782123456", "initiation_date": "2019-10-21 09:03:03","completion_date": "2019-10-21 09:03:22", "amount": 20000, "receipt_number": "1587906379","reference_code": "c1a943f6-3f1aa162-95434a95-ef93f253-1aa43dc7"}
Dim Subscriptiondetails As Map
Subscriptiondetails.put("password", "ggg")
Subscriptiondetails.put("status_notification_url","needed generic handler here to recieve reponse posted by the api")
'Depends on json library
Dim json As JSONGenerator
Dim content As String = json.ToString
'Depends on okHttputils library
Dim client As HttpJob
client.GetRequest.SetContentType("application/json") 'set the header as json
client.GetRequest.SetContentEncoding("UTF8") 'set encoding as utf8
Wait For Jobdone(client As HttpJob)
If client.Success Then
Dim Resultd As String = client.GetString
Dim data As JSONParser
Dim product As Map = data.NextObject 'I suspect the response is a json object
Dim y As String = product.Get("status")
Dim z As String = product.Get("error")
Dim w As String = product.Get("reference_code")
If y = "PENDING" And z = "false" Then
MsgboxAsync("Hey!, Yr subscription IS BEING WORKED UPON THANK YOU","Alright")
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If