With the search option you can find several encryption examples. If you want to encrypt and decrypt only one string type you can use B4XEncryption (B4A, B4J and B4I). An example is given. Be aware that it is a good security policy not to put passwords in the code.
Thank you.
I had already seen B4x Encryption. But what I need was a simple encryption returned in the form of text to be able to identify it in a "file.txt".
I managed to do it in the following way:
'* Cripto() Encripta/Desencripta un String simple *
'* Recibe: cTxt ---> Texto a Encriptar *
'* ---> TextoBase64 a desencriptar *
'* cTipo --> "E" Encriptar / "D" Desencriptar *
'* Retorna: un String (compatible con archivos.txt) *
'******************************************** 06-05-2020 ***
Public Sub Cripto(cTxt As String, cTipo As String) As String
Dim c As B4XCipher
Dim su As StringUtils
Dim e() As Byte
If cTipo = "E" Then
Log("Texto a Encriptar: " & cTxt)
e = c.Encrypt(cTxt.GetBytes("utf8"),"xpenfWv")
Return su.EncodeBase64(e)
Else If cTipo = "D" Then
Log("Texto a Desencriptar: " & cTxt)
e = su.DecodeBase64(cTxt)
If e.Length = 0 Then Return ""
e = c.Decrypt(e,"xpenfWv")
Return BytesToString(e, 0, e.Length, "utf8")
Return cTxt
End If
End Sub
Maybe this example: Use simple encryption for B4J, B4A and B4I (also in url) write the data to and read the data from a file. You can have maximum flexibility when you use the JSON format. Erel has made a online tool for the construction of the data. If you data is stored in a map, you can use a DButils routine or construct a comma separated file (CSV file). A CSV start always with the field header. Choices enough.
Base64 ist the perfect choice (because it's a simple string and any system can handle it). I use RandomAccessFile to store it as an object. It can handle almost any object (strings, maps, lists, etc.).