Create a Panel with an Imageview at the beginning and a Edittext right from it.
You also can use a simple label and use CSBuilder to add a Fontawsome Icon to it...
Create a Panel with an Imageview at the beginning and a Edittext right from it.
You also can use a simple label and use CSBuilder to add a Fontawsome Icon to it...
In prior versions of Android I used resource drawables to set it:
Public Sub SetEditTextIcon(TextBox As EditText)
Dim Bmpd As BitmapDrawable
Dim poPhone As Phone
Dim ST As String
Bmpd = poPhone.GetResourceDrawable(17301583) 'ic_menu_search
'Add to edittext1
Dim R As Reflector
R.Target = TextBox
R.RunMethod4("setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds",Array As Object(Bmpd,Null,Null,Null),Array As String(ST,ST,ST,ST))
End Sub