How can i randomly play files?


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I know directory where files are stored, but how to open them randomly?


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You didn't say what are you playing but i assume a .mp3

One way you can do like this.

I have added some test mp3 with name:


And the code goes like this (I commented it for you)

Sub random_Click

   Dim i As Int
   i = Rnd(1,4) ' random number from 1 to 4
   mediaplayer1.Load(File.DirAssets, "laz_"&i&".mp3") ' load our mp3 with random number
   Timer1.Initialize("timer1", 1000)
   MediaPlayer1.Play ' media is playing
   timer1.Enabled = True
   ToastMessageShow("Now is playing laz_"&i&".mp3", False) ' just check to see what is playing

End Sub
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I dont know file names, i use chooser to get Dir, after i want to play all mp3 in this Dir. How can i list files. I tried to toast list but i get exception
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I'd like to get and play a random audio file (or an image) stored in a folder of my website. Is there a way ?
I think File.ListFiles need local folder.
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how can we avoid playing the same file 2 times in a row ?

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