going morning iam currently having 12/04/2020 09:51:15 AM
my current code
returns only 12/04/2020 yet i wanted to return the date and time as it is with PM Or AM correspondingly this is because in my sqlite database i have a datetime field where i would want to store the exact date and time stamp as it is . please help th
my current code
returns only 12/04/2020 yet i wanted to return the date and time as it is with PM Or AM correspondingly this is because in my sqlite database i have a datetime field where i would want to store the exact date and time stamp as it is . please help th
Sub getdate(gt As String)
Dim lt As Long
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy" ' "1961-08-29"
Dim datestring As String = DateTime.Date(JsonDateToTick( gt))
lt = DateTime.DateParse(datestring)
DateTime.DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"
End Sub