Good morning iam sending chat messages to my SQLserver database please help how can i modify this code to post bytes because currently i have been using this code to insert text into the database
Please help
cursor1 =Starter.SQL1.ExecQuery2("SELECT Account,Phone,Sex,Phone2 FROM SMSlist where Names = ?", Array As String(spnFirstName.SelectedItem))
If cursor1.RowCount<>0 Then
'user registered
For i = 0 To cursor1.RowCount - 1
cursor1.Position = i
Dim act As String= cursor1.GetString("Account")
Dim phone As String= cursor1.GetString("Phone")
Dim phoneteacher As String= cursor1.GetString("Phone2")
Dim sx As String= cursor1.GetString("Sex")
Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
Dim link As String = ""
Dim parameters() As String = Array As String("customerId" , act, "s", edtMessage.Text, "d", getdate(DateTime.Now), "id", NewID, "ph", phone, "f", sx)
j.Download2(link, parameters)
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
End If
Please help
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