I'm using the firebaseadmob library in one app, and mwAdmobinterstitial2 in others. What's the current quickest way to include other ad networks ads in my apps?
I know I'll need to register with them then link to them in the mediation section in my admob web console. But what exactly do I need to do in b4a?
You have to include the SDK and adapter in your app by calling Additional Jars. You can download these files from the network's website you want to use. Some of the networks require additional libraries, except these two files. Also, most of the networks require a code snippet that should be added in the Manifest.
So just need to add the jar files, then update my manifest but not change any of my game code? The appid and ad-id values in the gamecode don't change? IS this handled by admob then?
I'll start with inMobi then add more. I'm trying to increase my ad revenue by adding mediation. So far I've only used admob and it's worked well. But I worry I am missing extra income by not using additional networks.
In the case of InMobi you need to add an activity declaration. See the tutorial. Make sure to check there latest guidelines as things might have changed.
I've got a small problem. It appears it's working, but not showing the ads. I've checked on the inmobi site, but that's not showing any figures, just zeroes for everything. I'm sure the details I gave Admob are correct, otherwise it wouldn't be able to send requests.
I increased the ecpm value and have had over 1700 requests to inmobi now, but no impressions. I tried unfiltering the log, but there's so much junk in there from other applications and service I couldn't find anything. Is there anyway I can dump the log to a file then use notepad++ to search it for inmobi messages?
well, that's the end of trying inMobi then. I targetting my ads at UK, US and Japan as that's where my highest CPC comes from. Makes sense now. Right, next job is testing rewarded ads, apparently these work great.
I've added rewarded video to 1 or 2 of my games and since August I made €5.27 with it. not really a success but your games are better for that to get extra lives or so.
Hi @sorex thanks for the info. Yeah, I agree it probably makes a difference what the ads are for. Extra lives and weapon upgrades are the main use I'll have for them.