I would like to get the file version / buildnumber of an existing .exe file.
Something like this
Not working code:
'not working example
Dim strFileVersion as string
If File.Exists(strAppFolder , "MyOtherApp.exe") = True Then
strFileVersion = File.Version(strAppFolder , "MyOtherApp.exe")
strFileVersion = "0"
end if
Is there a way to read file properties of a exe file? By file properties, I mean data which is visible when you right click on a exe file, click on "Properties", and then click on "Details" tab. What I would like to read is "File version" or "Product version" property. That exe file (which I...
Is there a way to read file properties of a exe file? By file properties, I mean data which is visible when you right click on a exe file, click on "Properties", and then click on "Details" tab. What I would like to read is "File version" or "Product version" property. That exe file (which I...