Hello! I found a way to hide some columns using VisibleColumns on the b4XTable forum, but I haven't been able to use it, for example, after creating a table, how do I hide the ID column ?
B4XTable1.AddColumn("ID", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_NUMBERS)
B4XTable1.AddColumn("Name", B4XTable1.COLUMN_TYPE_TEXT)
Dim data As List
data.Add(Array(1, "Name1"))
data.Add(Array(2, "Name2"))
data.Add(Array(3, "Name3"))
What do I need to set in the operator B4XTable1.VisibleColumns() to hide the ID column ?
"B4XTable.VisibleColumns holds the list of displayed columns. By default all columns are displayed. You can remove columns from the list or change their order as needed. Call B4XTable.Refresh after you modify the list. "