[Solved] How do I: Open a spinner dialogue from another object?
Hey guys! Just very recently found this site and I like what you're doing!
I've been messing around and I'm trying to find some way to make and Image_Click open up a spinner dialogue (without having to press the spinner)
I'm very new to this so sorry if it's a stupid question. Thanks / Martin
Sub Image_click
spinner1.Visible = True 'show the spinner if it is hidden
spinner1.AddAll(Array As String("Sunday", "Monday")) 'add some list into spinner
End Sub
Thanks for the quick reply!
However, the spinner is set up correctly with items and all, but I want the actual dialogue - the popup with those choices.
ah, yes it does indeed seem to be what I'm looking for- now to figure out how to create one of those Thanks
edit: Figured it out, exactly what I was looking for! THANKS!
Dim newlist() As String
Dim result As Int
newlist = Array As String("Purple","Red","Green","Blue","Yellow","White")
result = InputList(newlist, "titel", "-1")
I've been looking for a way to do this as well. I started out using InputLists. The problem is that they are modal. AsyncStreams are blocked while the InputList is displayed, which sometimes causes bad things to happen.