How do I progmatically add views to a tab(host)


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Hi everyone, I'm brand new to B4A and I'm very excited about getting to grips with it creating my first app. Anyways, I'm trying to build an app that has a Tabhost (3 tabs) on the main activity. Got this done ok. Next I would like to progmatically add listviews to 2 of the the tabs. How do you specify which tab your adding to. The reason I want to do it in code is you seem to have more control over the views' properties this way. i.e. height and width can be %, etc. Designer only seems to allow 'real numbers'.

Thanks for the help.


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Just downloaded and looked at the 'helper'. Looked up tabhost and noticed it has a second variation that allows you to use panels instead of layouts. Think I will have a play with that method. Thanks for your suggestion.

I take it, if I add it with the designer, I can still re-size? The only saving with this method then I take it would be I wouldn't have to initialise the view?
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What would be the correct way to get a panel to fill the tab space.

PanelTab1.Width = 100%
PanelTab1.Height = 100%


PanelTab1.Width = TabHostMain.Width
PanelTab1.Width = TabHostMain.Height


something else.

Don't want to sound thick. Once I get my feet wet I'll soon pick it up.

Thanks again
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