Android Question How do you add a B4XGifView to a panel?

I recently downloaded and ran the GifViewExample sample application that illustrates the use of animated gifs in android apps. The code provided showed how to create
B4XGifView objects but these were placed in a layout and I've been unable to find code on how to place theses objects using code into a panel. The following code examples show my unsuccessful attempts:

First Attempt:

Sub Class_Globals

Dim pnlDownloadCheck As Panel
Dim gifWait As B4XGifView

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

pnlDownloadCheck.Color = Colors.RGB(224, 224, 212) 'Light Yellow

gifWait.SetGif(File.DirAssets, "loading_large.gif")

pnlDownloadCheck.AddView(gifWait, 10, 50, 100, 100) ' **** results in a Types do not match error

End Sub

Second Attempt: (same but using an imgView)

Sub Class_Globals

Dim pnlDownloadCheck As Panel
Dim gifWait As B4XGifView
Dim ivwDownload As ImageView
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

pnlDownloadCheck.Color = Colors.RGB(224, 224, 212) 'Light Yellow

gifWait.SetGif(File.DirAssets, "loading_large.gif")

ivwDownload.Bitmap = gifWait ' **** also results in a Types do not match error
ivwDownload.Gravity = Gravity.FILL

pnlDownloadCheck.AddView(ivwDownload, 10, 50, 100, 100)

End Sub

I imagine that what I want to do is very straightforward. You just need to use the correct view type. Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide the answer!