look this
Sub btnMyButton_Click
Dim test As Int
test="hello" 'this causaes an error
end sub
--- in RELEASE mode:
this make the app crash, WITHOUT any error code, without error line, nothing. it closes.
it's VERY HARD for me to debug "run time" my app, when the user says "the program closed, I don't know what I was doing EXACTLY - I got no error"
older versions of b4a (i had 2.71) had a POWERFUL debugging system, see the image what I got when an error arises
--- in DEBUG mode, with legacy debugger enabled
YES! I get the error, the reason, the line number, the sub involved... YES! (see the -example- attached image, regarding another example error)
very easy to fix the issue!
... but then, in DEBUG mode, if I close the developing ide (I give the apk to the final user), the app crashes immediately after I launch it. immediately. also if there is no error.
I use and OPPO device with android 13
I use "legacy debugger" option - it's VERY useful - if not, the app simply crash. unuseful. legacy debugger is an absolute MUST
... but it doesn't work on release mode, and release mode seems to be mandatory if the b4a IDE is not there
so. What am I missing? HOW to see what error my final user get?
attached, a debug error I saw on b4a version2
thank you