How do you plan your schedule?


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Hi guys,

Those who know me know I'm not a pro dev.
Yet, I've been around 'here' for over 10 years, doing small personal projects, one at at time, and most of the times leaving them un-finisheun-finished due to losing of interest.
I have a day Jon, in no way related with development, so time for my projects is limited.
Now I gave an odd situation;
I have projects 'at hand', being 2 medium term and 1 long term.
So, how do you guys manage multiple on-going projects and their time frame?


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I use a to-do list system to keep track of my projects. Trello is very good and free, Google it.
Each app has a list of the next features I need to implements, I try to keep each feature down to under 30 minutes work, that way I can complete one task per day during my lunch hour at work, or at night before I go to bed (I also have a day job).

I work on two apps at once to keep myself interested, it also allows me to copy the good work I do on one over to the other app.

One important point, is to get your apps on the store as soon as possible, you can continue to update them as users provide feedback, and build the app out based on that feedback to make it better. Releasing early also allows you to gauge what interest there is and whether it's worth continuing or to move onto something new.


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In my case all 3 apps target b4j (2 desktop and a webapp)
I know trello, but still getting to grips with it...


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I've just started to use gitlab for organizing a lot of my stuff, even my private things like appoinments with dentists and holiday plans (reminder for booking a rental car and so on)...
gitlab brings a ticket or issue system with it, where you can add any label, milestones, due dates and timetracking (this is like trello). Then you have a wiki for documentation and a repository to hold your code versions...and it is collaboratively, you can share things with your customers.

Bets regards


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For me it is not a question of a program.

You can have all the existing programs but if you do not carry on the projects, it will not be a software that will impose you to complete the work.

I often lose interest before completing an App but I try to complete. Some Apps change my mind about usefulness and put them in a special folder.
When I have free time, open that folder and see if I can reopen any project.
Roosters that I must complete are linked to the desktop and I do not remove them until I finish them.

To put the ideas in order I use a paper notebook and write goals, ideas, and a lineup

A philosopher said that there is no favorable wind if you do not know which port you want to land
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trello works on mobile and desktop, so it's really useful if you think of something when not at your PC, so you can quickly jot it down on your phone.
I use Google Keep in the same way.

- Colin.


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Manage my time? Easy! I tend to stay in a continuous relaxed rest state. Then when an email arrives, I react. When a phone call arrives, I react. When my wife calls .. I run..eheh

Ok, just joking. I tend to forget anything I record somewhere, be it paper, electronic device, whatever. So I obstinately keep my to-do list in my brain only .. ready to apologize in those rare circumstances when I could miss one point or two

To manage projects at work I find that a Gantt chart is invaluable. I use individual charts for each project and a "master" chart for overall management.


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I keep project notes in
Simplenote (on mobile)
ResophNotes (on windows)
ATnotes (on win desktop)
Stick A Note (on each program)
Paper Sheet (on table)
Memory (in head)

They all try to catch my eyeballs all the times

And now I have learnt to ignore them all and do which is holding my throat




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I always start a project thinking: "Dude, this time you really have achieved a relaxed and realistic deadline" and I always finish it thinking: "You are an idiot calculating times, next time you should do it better if you want to sleep something for the last 3 days before deadline"


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Douglas Adams — ‘I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.’

Peter Simpson

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I use Google keep check list for apps I create for my clients features list, I don't need anything else. For my own personal multiple apps, I just plough through one app at a time until it's complicated, I don't leave apps unfinished as that would just annoy me. I then just move onto my next app.

On the rare occasions when I've had multiple apps for clients to complete and my own personal apps too, I just flick from one clients app to the other clients app ticking off the Google keeps check list as I go until they are completed.
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