How kill a process with the exe filename?


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Hello, I need to kill a process before update it in C#, I can't use dzHW.dll coz I want get a one EXE file without dll file...
I searched for GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hwnd) and GetProcessById(Int32 id) but how get the process id? (PID) from an exe filename?
And how check if it's running? I tried with FindWindow but I need also the Windows Handle and I don't know the Window handle...

Anyone can help me?
Thanks for your replies!


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Assuming you are on the desktop you can get an array of Process objects representing running processes with Process.GetProcesses or Process.GetProcessesByName for a specific exe. Once you have a Process object for the exe you can have your wicked way with it.


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Yes I know how do it on Desktop but GetProcessByName doesn't exist on compact Framework... Is there an other way?

And with ToolHelp32? In dzHW library in VB I see some stuff with ToolHelp32 in VB but unable to understand how use it...
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Thanks! Finaly a great response, each time I found only few informations but not enough... Thanks again I hope it'll works
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