B4J Question How Minimize Form To bottom(MDIForm)??


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Hello everyone
I want a form to appear at the bottom of the form like the image below when it is minimized,
then when you click on it it will be maximized and will return to its previous state.
Look carefully inside the main form of the program.

Search for Mdi forms.

Here is an example by @Magma.


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This is Windows XP screenshot. I don't remember seeing such UI feature for many years, though I might be mistaken. You can put a notification in the system tray and you can make the form zero size.
thanks erel
I probably didn't explain it clearly
In fact, I want when I minimize the open forms, they are placed at the bottom of the main form of the program, as in the picture, and when I click on them, they return to their original state and size.
In fact, the forms are not closed, they are simply hidden and reappear.
My solution is to add a panel for each form and specify with a label which form each panel belongs to.
Or maybe I should use XCustomListView for better efficiency.

Is there a better solution??


  • MainForm.png
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Search for Mdi forms.

Here is an example by @Magma.

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