Hi there..
I am using multiple CLV to load the same layout, 5 of them. The layout used has a rangeslider and there could be 5,10,20 items in the different CLVs.
Each and everytime the value of the rangeslider changes I want to update some values in a label. This works perfectly. The problem is that when loading each of the CLV items, the rangeslider_valuechange event is being fired, I guess due to the loadlayout method.
How do I NOT fire this event on creation of the CLV items and only fire it when a user actually changes the rangeslider value?
This code works well for doing the updates but fires everytime the CLV item is added with the range slider...
I have tried to set a boolean value to true on load and then false after the load, does nothing..
This is the code to load each CLV item...
I am using multiple CLV to load the same layout, 5 of them. The layout used has a rangeslider and there could be 5,10,20 items in the different CLVs.
Each and everytime the value of the rangeslider changes I want to update some values in a label. This works perfectly. The problem is that when loading each of the CLV items, the rangeslider_valuechange event is being fired, I guess due to the loadlayout method.
How do I NOT fire this event on creation of the CLV items and only fire it when a user actually changes the rangeslider value?
This code works well for doing the updates but fires everytime the CLV item is added with the range slider...
Sub aSlider_ValueChange (LowValue As Double, HighValue As Double)
If bLoading = True Then Return
Dim slider As RangeSlider = Sender
Dim q As Map = slider.Tag
Dim key As String = q.getdefault("key","")
Dim prefix As String = jMash.MvField(key,1,".")
Dim learner As String = q.GetDefault("learner","")
Select Case prefix
Case "1"
Case "2"
Case "3"
Case "4"
Case "5"
Case "c"
End Select
End Sub
I have tried to set a boolean value to true on load and then false after the load, does nothing..
This is the code to load each CLV item...
Sub CreateQuestion(q As Map) As B4XView
'get marks for learner
Dim learnerm As String = q.GetDefault("learner","")
Dim key As String = q.GetDefault("key","")
key = learnerm & key
Dim marks As String = kvs.GetSimple(key)
If marks = "" Then marks = "0"
q.Put("achieved", marks)
Dim p As Pane
lblQuestion.Text = " " & q.GetDefault("q","")
aSlider.MaxValue = q.GetDefault("max",5)
aSlider.MinValue = q.GetDefault("min",0)
aSlider.HighValue = q.GetDefault("achieved",0)
aSlider.LowValue = q.GetDefault("achieved",0)
aSlider.MajorTickUnit = q.GetDefault("tick",1)
lblAchieved.Text = q.GetDefault("achieved",0)
lblAchieved.Tag = q.GetDefault("key","")
lblMark.Text = q.GetDefault("max",5)
chkNone.Checked = q.GetDefault("none",False)
If lblQuestion.text = " Totals" Or lblQuestion.Text.StartsWith(" Activity") Then
p.Enabled = False
aSlider.Visible = False
p.Enabled = True
aSlider.Visible = True
End If
p.Tag = q
aSlider.Tag = q
Return p
End Sub