For me, the solution was add
p.setlayoutnamated bofore (logical) AND AFTER loadlayout.
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, CLVPedidoLineas.AsView.Width, mItemHeight )
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, CLVPedidoLineas.AsView.Width, PanelLineasDetalleEnHoja3.Height)
aditional, in second proyect a put a textbox instead button, for view the keyboard,and, MAGIAL, the items go up and the keyboard are not over the Customlistview.
In my proyect, i nedd add a ime events controls for move the customlisview.
This is only one comment, for view, may by, in other theath
THANSK lucaMs and sagenunt