Android Question how to Activate GPS width app

Roberto P.

Well-Known Member
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Hi to all,
I have to manage the automatic positioning device with GPS library and I have to be able to activate the positioning enabled automatically with Runtime Permissions, from the application, and without the user's permission.

How can I do it?

Thank you


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I'm not sure that I understand. The LOCATION permission is considered a "dangerous" permission. This means that if you set the targetSdkVersion to 23+ then you can only use location features after the user has grant you the required permission.

The GPS example was updated recently to handle the runtime permission:

If you don't want to ask the user for permission then set the targetSdkVersion to 22 and don't use the runtime permissions feature at all.
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Roberto P.

Well-Known Member
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HI Erel
I would like to enable GPS from the app without asking user permission. With SDK last update.

I read that it is dangerous permissions.
thank you
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