I currently have a hamburger image on the Action Bar, along with the app Title. I would like to add another image, my logo, to the same bar but on the right side instead of the left.
Here's the current code:
HamburgerIcon = xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "hamburger.png", 32dip, 32dip, True)
AxcysLogo = xui.LoadBitmapResize(File.DirAssets, "AxcysICONWhole.png", 32dip, 32dip, True)
B4XPages.SetTitle(Me, "Axcys Touchless Entry")
This is the code to add the hamburger to the Action Bar
B4XPages.GetManager.ActionBar.RunMethod("setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled", Array(True))
Dim bd As BitmapDrawable
B4XPages.GetManager.ActionBar.RunMethod("setHomeAsUpIndicator", Array(bd))
Private Sub B4XPage_Appear
#If B4A
B4XPages.GetManager.ActionBar.RunMethod("setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled", Array(True))
Dim bd As BitmapDrawable
' bd.Initialize(AxcysLogo)
B4XPages.GetManager.ActionBar.RunMethod("setHomeAsUpIndicator", Array(bd))
#End If
End Sub
The code above only allows one or the other bitmaps to be displayed and only on the left side.
How can I add the logo to the right side of the App Title?