HI, if you have noticed my recent posts about using the libGDX library ( I'm flattered if you have!) then maybe you can help me? Using Infomatix's excellent examples, I have a programme that creates the bodies I need, rotates them as I want to etc etc. However, one thing escapes me. I create a number of Polygon shapes using
For i=1 To 100
Dim bd As lgBox2DBodyDef
bd.Type = World.BODYTYPE_Dynamic
bd.position.set(.50, 10)
Dim body As lgBox2DBody = World.CreateBody(bd)
Dim pShape As lgBox2DPolygonShape
pShape.SetAsBox(0.125, 0.125)
body.createFixture2(pShape, 1)
So how do I attach a colour or an image to these polygon shapes? I don't want anything to clever, just a colour would do so that when I run the code without the debugrenderer I can see the coloured objects (and not the bodies). Any suggestions welcome. Thanks