Thanks for the info & it now compiles if i comment out the image naming section.
I still need to be able to get the jpg file to use the string in the edtLocation.text so would like advice on how to do that.
When i submit the record will it record the image name in the (buffer) record which is the final part of the SQL1.ExecNonQuery2 [see below]?
SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO finds VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,)", _
Array As Object(edtDate.text, edtTime.text, edtLat.text, edtLong.Text, edtLocation.Text, _
edtDepth.Text, edtWeight.Text, edtDetect.Text,edtCoil.Text, Array As Object(Buffer)))