How to add folder in my apk file???


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Hello, anyone know how to add folder in the apk file,similar to the assets folder,but my own so if i got external library files they to be located from this folder for example?


Well-Known Member
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Hi keylab83

You can add a folder next to assets in the APK, but I see no means of 'legal' access using File.Dir....

Rename the *.apk as *.zip and unzip. Add your folder to the structure and zip the package.
Then rename *.zip as *.apk and see what's going to happen. I haven't tried it myself.

Please remember that a sub folder underneath Assets is read only.
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Thank you

Thank you for your response guys.Sorry my English is not good enough to describe what exactly I'need,I will try to be more specific.I need some how to create a folder into the apk file not after compile the apk file,before that so that way I can test everything what I'm doing on my app with B4A. The deal is I'v got external libraries and i find a way how to integrate them with b4a but i need to create a folder libraries with all the files and sub-folders in it.That folder need to be create in the apk file main folder,not sub-folder or in the assets folder.Hope this time I describe my question little bit better.One more time guys please excuse my English.Thank you all for your quick responses.:sign0188:
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