Java Question How to add .jar file to library


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I'm a newbie one on b4a. I've an android tablet with bult-in barcode scanner (real barcode scanner, not a camera) with a SDK library file in .jar (platform_extension.jar) . I've created a .xml file for that SDK and in Libs can call function like my .xml file declared. The problem is that when I compile the program it return error

Compiling code. 0.10
Compiling layouts code. 0.04
Generating R file. 0.00
Compiling generated Java code. Error
javac 1.7.0_07
src\test9300\b4a\ error: package platform_extension does not exist
platform_extension.scanManager _scanner = null;
1 error

Am I missing or done anything wrong?


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If you are creating a library that exposes a 3rd party java lib to basic 4 android then it is classed as a 'wrapper', because it wraps the underlying 3rd party lib.

To let Basic 4 Android know that your library requires another file to be present you add the @DependsOn annotation. and example being:

@DependsOn(values = {"android-support-v4"})

'android-support-v4' being the file name (without the extension).

you place this code at in the same place as you add @author, @Version, etc.

Hope this helps


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Thank you barx. I will try as your advice.

Further more questions,please.

Am I correct that this must be add to java source code?
If I don't have the java code, I've to ask my vendor to do this for me. Am I right?

Thank you in advance!


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I have just read your first post again and I think you are misunderstanding what you require to do. This is how things normally work with libraries. The platform_extension.jar stays as it is. You create a new library for Basic4Android. In the new library you create methods for the calls that are required. These calls then call the methods of platform-extension.jar. When you add the additional libraries in eclipse (BAShared, Core and Android) you should also add reference to platform_extension.jar. and also include an import within the class.

I'm not exactly an expert on libs so I hope I have explained that in a manner that is understandable.


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Thanks barx!!! You've enlighted me. I will try follow your suggestion. I will post my result later.


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After trying for awhile, I've create my testing as

when I generate JavaDoc, console display as below

and when I checked at output folder, there was only "myLib.xml"! Where can I find "myLib.jar"?

Any suggestion? Please help!


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Select your "src" folder in Package Explorer, right click -> Export Java -> Jar file; select destination and name then press Finish.

Or better, set up SLC,, as an external tool with arguments ${project_name} c:\Java\workspace\${project_path}, Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration and it will compile the jar and xml in one go if you select your project in Package Explorer and do Run -> External Tools -> SLC.

As your library depends on another jar you will need to make a "Libs" folder in your project and copy that jar there so SLC can find it.


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Thank you agraham. I've just tried myLib in B4A and now there no error during compile time.
Next I will try using SLC as your instructions.


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I have the same problem, but my library includes a third jar file ("PDFjet.jar").

This is a trial version downloaded from the official website (

I copied this jar in a "lib" folder within the project and I added reference in "Buid Path" just like the B4A libraries ("B4AShared.jar" and "core.jar")
and of course "android. jar ".

The "Project - Generate javadoc ..." option generates the xml file only, and Eclipse console displays:

I tried with SLC and I have the same result.

Starting step: Compiling Java code.
javac 1.8.0_11
D:\EclipseWorkspace\AGSPdfJet\src\com\ags\agspdf\ error: package com.pdfjet does not exist
import com.pdfjet.*;
1 error


See attached images

Can anybody help me?

Thanks for your cooperation.


  • Screen1.png
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  • Screen2.png
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Hi Erel,
I`ve add a "@DependsOn" annotation ....


import com.pdfjet.*;

import android.util.Log;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.Author;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.DependsOn;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.ShortName;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.Version;


... but with the same result ...

Starting step: Compiling Java code.
javac 1.8.0_11
D:\EclipseWorkspace\AGSPdfJet\src\com\ags\agspdf\ error: package com.pdfjet does not exist
import com.pdfjet.*;
1 error


What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


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Hi DonManfred

Thanks for your replay.

I´ve changed @DependsOn(values=("com.pdfjet")) by @DependsOn(values=("PDFjet")) but ...
the error persists.


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If i compile with SLC i recive nothing.

Starting step: Compiling Java code.
javac 1.8.0_11
D:\EclipseWorkspace\AGSPdfJet\src\com\ags\agspdf\ error: package com.pdfjet does not exist
import com.pdfjet.*;
1 error


With Eclipse "Generate javadoc" i recive the XML file only.

i've attached XML file


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