How to add library in project


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Longtime User
I am new in b4a and have a question
about :

"... after copy the System.Data.SqlClient.Dll file and the MSSQL.Dll.!!!
Sub Globals
'Declare the global variables here.
End Sub

Sub App_Start
End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
If cnDatos.Open("Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=False;Server=XPS,1433; initial catalog=windip; user id=sa; password=12345;") Then
Msgbox("Conexion exitosa!!!","My First Program",cMsgboxYesNo,cMsgboxHand)
Msgbox("Conexion ERRONEA!!!","My First Program",cMsgboxYesNo,cMsgboxHand)
End If
End Sub

My question is where to copy lib an how to add to b4a project
Pleas help me


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Also have a look at the response NJDude gave on your other (related) question.

Android is a Linux based operation system and can not run any .Net DLL assembly (or plain Windows DLL ). Therefore: B4A can not connect directly to SQL Server.

The only way is to write a .NET webservice or website to which your Android app can connect, which is exactly what is described in the post NJDude refers to.
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I think you are referring about Basic4PPC . The key word 'new1' is not used in b4a . If you asked about b4a then adding a library is very easy . At right side lower end of the code wind there are 4 tabs . Click on 'Libs' tab . there you find the list of libraries available . Just check the desired library check box . Then declare as variable for using the library . For sql use like this :
Dim Cursor As Cursor

Regards .
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Longtime User

how to add users lib
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