Explain any obscure details to get more help
I've never seen such a community with so many nice people willing to help!
If you think about it then these people are sharing their hard-earned knowledge for free! Very selfless, very generous, in all a very giving community, we are very lucky.
When you ask a question, step back and think how people are going to read it, they all want to help and show off their excellent knowledge but they (we) need enough of the facts to be able to help.
If you can, then knock up a quick demo of your problem and include your project as a zip, B4a makes that very easy.
You can make a test app in about a minute! See this link:
The super quick way to knock-up a test app!
Just make a new project in a new folder with one Activity, one button and use the Log("this should display X " & x) function and on your main activity put a label 'Look in the log'
Explain acronyms
don't just say 'I need help with the TLA server' and just presume that we know what that means, why should we have to go searching to find out what it is that YOU need help with?
Make it easy to read your posts, make it interesting and you will quickly get all the help that you need.
A good test is that when you ask a question, how many replies do you get?