How to cascade GridDBSample for showing sales details


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Hello Erel,

I am working on "ProAppGridDBSample" and the grid module is used to display the sales analysis of "Sales Executive" like the data stored in sql server database tables with below fields

Executive Name,CM,LM,L6M,Percentage
Executive Name,Customer (party) Name,CM,LM,L6M,Percentage
,Customer Name,Product Name,CM,LM,L6M,Percentage
Note : CM= currect month sales,LM =last month,L6M= last six month sales
I have successfully fill the grid with available records in data base table.

Now the requirement is that on clicking on executive wise grid row the next grid should filled & display the customer (party) wise sales of that executive

As well as when user clicks on second (customer) partywise sales grid then the product wise sales of that party need to display.

I have implemented same but in different or separate apk files of b4a programs for each type sales. the requirement is like our existing VB6.0 application which open cascading flex grids on every click event on grid. first executivewise then customer wise and then productwise etc.

I need your support & help to do the same in b4a. pls suggest any sample projects which is similar to this kind of apps.

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