Android Question How to check for current panel type in Customlistview?


Active Member
I have this code for my customlistview class
Customlistview load more code.:
Sub lvmenufeed_loadmore
    Dim lbllastpostid As Label
    Dim pnl As Panel
    pnl = lvmenufeed.GetPanel(lvmenufeed.thesizer - 1)
    lbllastpostid = pnl.GetView(10)
    lastfeedpostid = lbllastpostid.Text

    ToastMessageShow("Loading more posts...",False)
    '''/get lastpostid
    If lvmenufeed.thesizer = 0 Then
    End If
    loadoldpost = True
End Sub

I have a panel at some index that loads images, some load videos, something like facebook feed.

While scrolling up/down I need to know if it's displaying the panel with the video view so I can catch the videoview.isplaying action.

Code that populates my Lvmenufeed (customlistview):
Sub loadlvfeed

Dim parser As JSONParser


feedresponselist= parser.NextArray


                    Dim imgmap,m As Map

    Dim pnl As Panel

    Dim imgpostimage As ImageView

    Dim videoplayer As VideoView

    Dim videoplayerlayout As VideoViewRelativeLayout

    Dim pnlvholder As Panel




For i = 0 To feedresponselist.Size - 1

    feedresponsemap = feedresponselist.Get(i)

    Dim user_profilepicture_thumb As String = feedresponsemap.Get("user_profilepicture_thumb")

    Dim post_content As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_content")

    Dim post_id As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_id")

    Dim post_date As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_date")

    Dim user_verifiedaccount As String = feedresponsemap.Get("user_verifiedaccount")

    Dim user_title As String = feedresponsemap.Get("user_title")

    Dim post_like As Int= feedresponsemap.Get("post_like")

    Dim post_type As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_type")

    Dim post_media_content As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_media_content")

    Dim user_username As String = feedresponsemap.Get("user_username")

    Dim post_user_id As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_user_id")

    post_date = du.FormatDateTime(DateTime.Now, Bit.Or(du.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY, du.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE))


    If user_verifiedaccount = 1 And user_title <> "" Then

        user_title = user_title

    End If


    If user_verifiedaccount = 0  Then

        user_title = "Unverified"

    End If


    If user_verifiedaccount = 1 And user_ti


That's my feed..


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I always set the tag of the panel:

feedPanel.tag = 1
feedPanel.tag = 2

Then use it later:

if(feedPanel.tag = 1) then

else if(feedPanel.tag = 2) then

end if

or if you need to store multiple objects in the tag, create a custom TYPE, and change the tag to your custom object. Then, grab the tag whenever you need it to check what it is.
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Active Member
I always set the tag of the panel:

feedPanel.tag = 1
feedPanel.tag = 2

Then use it later:

if(feedPanel.tag = 1) then

else if(feedPanel.tag = 2) then

end if

or if you need to store multiple objects in the tag, create a custom TYPE, and change the tag to your custom object. Then, grab the tag whenever you need it to check what it is.
I could add the panel tag while populating the clv from the example code I provided. I just need to know how to check for it whilst scrolling through the feed.
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Check out the CLV1_VisibleRangeChanged Method. You can set a flag on the video to state whether its been loaded or not :)
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B4X founder
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I have this code for my customlistview class
Don't use CustomListView class. You should use xCustomListView library.

You can store any information you like in the value field. This is the correct place for it. Use a custom type if you need to store several values.
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Active Member
Don't use CustomListView class. You should use xCustomListView library.

You can store any information you like in the value field. This is the correct place for it. Use a custom type if you need to store several values.
I'm using the class because I did some modifications and is the "sv_scrollchanged" Method in the library? I'll check it out though.
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