Active Member
I have this code for my customlistview class
I have a panel at some index that loads images, some load videos, something like facebook feed.
While scrolling up/down I need to know if it's displaying the panel with the video view so I can catch the videoview.isplaying action.
That's my feed..
Customlistview load more code.:
Sub lvmenufeed_loadmore
Dim lbllastpostid As Label
Dim pnl As Panel
pnl = lvmenufeed.GetPanel(lvmenufeed.thesizer - 1)
lbllastpostid = pnl.GetView(10)
lastfeedpostid = lbllastpostid.Text
ToastMessageShow("Loading more posts...",False)
'''/get lastpostid
If lvmenufeed.thesizer = 0 Then
End If
loadoldpost = True
End Sub
I have a panel at some index that loads images, some load videos, something like facebook feed.
While scrolling up/down I need to know if it's displaying the panel with the video view so I can catch the videoview.isplaying action.
Code that populates my Lvmenufeed (customlistview):
Sub loadlvfeed
Dim parser As JSONParser
feedresponselist= parser.NextArray
Dim imgmap,m As Map
Dim pnl As Panel
Dim imgpostimage As ImageView
Dim videoplayer As VideoView
Dim videoplayerlayout As VideoViewRelativeLayout
Dim pnlvholder As Panel
For i = 0 To feedresponselist.Size - 1
feedresponsemap = feedresponselist.Get(i)
Dim user_profilepicture_thumb As String = feedresponsemap.Get("user_profilepicture_thumb")
Dim post_content As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_content")
Dim post_id As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_id")
Dim post_date As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_date")
Dim user_verifiedaccount As String = feedresponsemap.Get("user_verifiedaccount")
Dim user_title As String = feedresponsemap.Get("user_title")
Dim post_like As Int= feedresponsemap.Get("post_like")
Dim post_type As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_type")
Dim post_media_content As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_media_content")
Dim user_username As String = feedresponsemap.Get("user_username")
Dim post_user_id As String = feedresponsemap.Get("post_user_id")
post_date = du.FormatDateTime(DateTime.Now, Bit.Or(du.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY, du.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE))
If user_verifiedaccount = 1 And user_title <> "" Then
user_title = user_title
End If
If user_verifiedaccount = 0 Then
user_title = "Unverified"
End If
If user_verifiedaccount = 1 And user_ti
That's my feed..