Hi All, my first post and a curly question (maybe)!
I was able to successfully swap my internal SD card with my external SD on my android tablet, so now i have more app storage! However, now most of the icons (shortcuts) on my home screen, when clicked (or pressed) say "app isn't installed". So my question is how can I enumerate all the icons on the home screen, check if they link a an actual installed app, and if not, remove the icon.
The manual way would be to list the icons that have no app and re-install them, but what fun would that be, and besides i have so many of them. This is just the kind of thing i would like to code a solution for, with your help!
I've searched the forum, but have not found anything, perhaps because I'm not sure what to search for! If this has been answered I do apologise in advance for not finding it!
Anyway if anyone has a idea or example to look at, I would greatly appreciate it.