B4R Question How to Check two or more variables

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I want to check both humid and temp received from Arduino at Esp8266.
Below is the code

Private Sub Arduino_Received_Data(humid () As Byte,temp As Byte)
    If bc.IndexOf(humid,"80") > -1 Then  <===== Here the value "80" will be different at times
        Log("Received from Arduino : ",humid)
    End If
End Sub

How to check humid and temp all at once with different value. Or any other way to check the status whether data has been received at esp8266 side from Arduino


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yes.... I got your point. But One details I am not able to understand.
1. I want to send humid, and temp from dht11 sensor from Arduino to esp8266
2. Esp will receive the data from Arduino and send to Cloud server.

Here I received the data from Arduino and it is like below at Esp8266 side...
Humid from Ardiono :33.3977.99  <----here both Temp & Humid are coming
Temp from Arduino :33.3977.99  <----here both Temp & Humid are coming

At Arduino the below is code to send to Esp
Private Sub Timer1_Tick
    'Dim FixedValue As String=80
    Dim humid(),temp() As Byte
    Log("Send to Esp8266 Successfully!!")
End Sub

At ESP receiving Side
Private Sub Arduino_Received_Data(buffer() As Byte)
Log("Humid from Ardiono :",buffer)
Log("Temp from Arduino :",buffer)
End Sub

I want to separate the values and send to cloud server
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I have using B4RSerializator at ESp8266 side. And I getting the below error while compiling

Public Serial1 As Serial
    Public softser As SoftwareSerial
    Public bc As ByteConverter
    Public wifi As ESP8266WiFi
    'Private timer1 As Timer
    Public Astream As AsyncStreams
    Private ser As B4RSerializator
    Private BE(2) As Object
Private Sub Arduino_Received_Data(buffer() As Byte)

Dim data() As Object=ser.ConvertBytesToArray(buffer,BE)
'Log("Humid from Ardiono :",data(0))
'Log("Temp from Arduino :",data(1))

End Sub
And I am getting the error as "Smart strings are not supported"
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I incorporated B4RSerializator at Arduino Side
Private Sub Timer1_Tick
    'Dim FixedValue As String=80
    Dim humid(),temp() As Byte
    Log("Send to Esp8266 Successfully!!")
End Sub

At ESP8266 Side

Public Serial1 As Serial
    Public softser As SoftwareSerial
    Public bc As ByteConverter
    Public wifi As ESP8266WiFi
    'Private timer1 As Timer
    Public Astream As AsyncStreams
    Private ser As B4RSerializator
    Private BE(2) As Object
Private Sub Arduino_Received_Data(buffer() As Byte)
Log("Humid from Ardiono :",BE(0))
Log("Temp from Arduino :",BE(1)) 
End Sub

It is running as expected. But after 1 minute, I am getting error as "Out of bounds error. Array length = 2, Index = 65535".

Wifi Connected Successfully!!!
Humid from Ardiono :33.39
Temp from Arduino :77.99
Humid from Ardiono :33.39
Temp from Arduino :77.99
Humid from Ardiono :33.39
Temp from Arduino :77.99
Humid from Ardiono :33.39
Temp from Arduino :77.99
Humid from Ardiono :33.39
Temp from Arduino :77.99
Humid from Ardiono :33.39
Temp from Arduino :77.99
Out of bounds error. Array length = 2, Index = 65535

Please advice...
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