How to contact members in private?


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Longtime User
In the previous forum, it was possible to send a private message or an email to forum members. Many members contacted me this way. In the current forum, I had to change my profile to accept "conversations", but didn't find any email option. Is this "conversation" really private? And if I have no access to the web (only emails), is it usable?

EDIT: I found the answer for the conversations privacy. You cannot invite someone else if you're not allowed to by the conversation initiator.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Fred, Sorry for hijacking your thread but my question is also related to private messages. Before changing the forum I had only message left until I had reached the limit of my permitted amounts of Private messages.

Has this limit been reset by any chance? I cannot see any warning any longer. Is the limit the same as before?


B4X founder
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does someone can invite someone else to the conversation even when he didn't start it?
Only if the member who started the conversation checks the "allow other members to invite..." option when they start the conversation.

I think that you can handle the conversation by mail, though I haven't tested it.

@moster67 you can participate on any number of conversations.
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