How to create a audio pulse wave ?


New Member
Hi to all,

i am new in this forum and want to create a audio pulse wave with desire
Pulse-width and frequency,
for example i want create a audio pulse wave with 200 microsecond Pulse-width and 100 Hz frequency...

please help me about this...


Licensed User
Longtime User
If I understand correctly I don't think Beeper will do what you want. Beeper will produce a sine wave of the requested duration and frequency. It sounds like you want a square pulse of a certain width and repetition frequency. If so the nearest you would get is by making and playing a wav file,, though if the output from the device is capacitively coupled, as it probably is, some DC restoration on the resulting waveform might be needed depending upon the characteristics of your load.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks zenit52 and your guests,
It is a good idea and I will try to use the beep for communication, you may need to remove the DC current and noise.. sine-wave can be Schmitt triggered, so it is not a big deal.
On the other hand, is there a DTMF object? if exists then it will be perfect to use for communication.
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