B4J Question How to create a lock window screen app using B4j?


Licensed User
Hello everyone, I want to create an application on a Windows machine. The application consists of only one form (maximize) and with only one button("Click to unlock"). And have the following requirements.
1. Application start when the machine boots.
2. It can not be closed using any keypress.
3. Only when the button is clicked the form will close.

Any help is much appreciated.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Sounds like a kiosk app or what I seen in cyber cafe. I think some windows settings can be configure using registry editor then by default, user login with lower privilege (not Administrator) so he/she cannot access certain settings or open task manager and press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
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John Naylor

Active Member
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2 & 3.....

Maybe draw a canvas full screen, put a button over the top of the canvas. Then use suggestions here to trap all key presses?

You would have to make sure the taskbar is hidden or the user could simply click out...
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Licensed User
Thank you for the suggestion, I will try to have a look.
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John Naylor

Active Member
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Longtime User
Thanks for link, I will have a try.
I think it partly depends on what you want the user to be able to do once they've got past your screen.

@aeric solution requires some hands on with Windows to set the machine up in Kiosk mode, plus you have to have a suitable version of Windows. However this will give you most control over what can and cannot be done once your screen is clicked.

My version should work on any version of Windows but really won't allow you to restrict anything later on.

Best of luck!
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