Android Question How to create a Mopub New Library?


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I would like to create the wrapper of the new version of mopub library:

1) I have to download the source code from here:

2) i have download the Simple Library Compiler (SLC) but it return error, so,

3) I have downloaded from the forum:
-> zip.exe file
-> (from here)
-> Desugar_deploy.jar

4) what is the next?

inside the mopub zip there are a lot of files:

I have started the b4j program. it generates the Desugar.jar file, but it don t start on my PC

For a correct setup:
zip = path where the file is, with file
folder = the output folder?
androidJar = android.jar folder path with file
DesugarJar = the input file?

Thank you
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