How to Disable Focus?


Licensed User
Longtime User
How do you disable the focus on a view that is currently focused? For example, EditTexts keep the focus. How do you make an EditText lose focus after input?

I even tried setting the focus of something else, like my ScrollView, but that only gives focus to the first EditText in the list.

Help! Thanks in advance.



Licensed User
Longtime User
Disabling and Enabling the View...

EditText.Enabled = False followed by EditText.Enabled = True placed in the _EnterPressed event acts as if nothing happened. The EditText still has focus.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have recently used the Enabled = False and True as mentioned in this thread to disable some buttons - and have a question...

I have a panel - panel1 that is full screen - it has some buttons on it.

I have a second panel - panel 2 that is not full screen and is centered on screen on top of panel1

When panel2 is active on top of panel 1 - i don't want the panel1 buttons to be available to be pressed - but also don't want them to disappear.

I used the Enabled = False for the panel1 buttons - which works fine to make the buttons on panel1 not available - but what happens is the the button background disappears and the button text stays - which looks odd. They are statelistdrawable buttons - is this normal behavior, or has this been seen before? - I'd like to disable the panel1 buttons but have them remain visible.
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