How to do a continuous sound effect with no clicks or pops?


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my next app for the market is a game. Getting there with all the physics/collision stuff, but the sound is kicking my...

I have a rocket sound that I am using mediaplayer to play. When the sound hits the end of the loop, there is a "click" noise that can be heard as it restarts at the beginning. I've looked here and on the web, but to no avail on how to get rid of that "pop" sound.

I have inspected the soundfile itself with audacity, and there is no trailing end to the sound... it "should" line up with the start of the file sound seamlessly.

I can always make the rocket sound even longer (say 30 seconds, which would cover about 95 percent of the time) but I am sure there is a better way, but I am not sure of that technique.

Any shoves in the right direction always appreciated!



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Ok, finally got it

Didn't realize that mp3 and ogg compression were the issue.

Wave file played very nicely with the Zero Points, and I don't hear the clicks anymore.
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