How to exclude code


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Is there a way to exclude an entire sub without adding the pinnacle of comments for each row?


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Yes, mark the part and use the Bottom in the ToolBar in the B4A IDE
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Well-Known Member
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I did not understand, I select the lines of code, I clicked on Tools> Option IDE but I can not find the setting.

Bot in the Options, in the Top ToolBar under the Menue texts.

The sign are 4 parallel lines and the same with a arrow back on it.
COlores are darkBlue and Cyan
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I think what Gman means is:
1. Select by highlighting all the lines with your mouse.
2. Click on the comment icon in the tool bar in the IDE that is to the right of the binoculars.
That is how I do it. I hope we are not telling you something you already know.
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Well-Known Member
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Found, thanks GMan.
Marhares is the same answer, I was wrong because I was looking for in tools.
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