iOS Question How to find if LLCamera permission has been given or not asked for yet


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 Public Obj_camera As LLCamera
 wrk_bool = Obj_camera.AuthorizationDenied

This will tell me if authorization has been denied or not

if wrk_bool = True ---- authorization has been denied

if wk_bool = False ---- authorization has NOT been denied ---- but this can mean
authorization has been given
authorization has not been asked for yet

How do I determine which of these states apply?

I want to know this so I can selectively put up a message to the user that he is about to be asked for permission - before an attempt to initialize the camera is made.


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' AVAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined = 0,
' AVAuthorizationStatusRestricted    = 1
' AVAuthorizationStatusDenied        = 2
' AVAuthorizationStatusAuthorized    = 3
Private Sub GetAVAuthorizationStatus As Int
    Dim no As NativeObject
    Return no.Initialize("AVCaptureDevice").RunMethod("authorizationStatusForMediaType:", Array("vide")).AsNumber
End Sub
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