I Enrique!
Sorry for my late answer, I was out with a customer...
I don't understand your sample code. And the meaning of tag...
My code generate checkboxes with Id like this plan1_x_y where x is the row and y the column of the checkbox.
In order to obtain the binary value of each line, i need to know if each Checkbox is true or false to assign the value of each bits:
plan1_1_1 = 2048
plan2_1_2 = 1024
plan2_1_11 = 1 etc...
To Construct this value I need to make a for-next loop to obtain the value of each checkbox of a line by using its ID. But I don't know to do it.
Here is my idea:
dim the_name as string
for x = 1 to 6
For y = 1 to 11
' construction of the name of the checkbox
the_name = "plan1_" & x & "_" & y
' test the checkbox state
if the_name.id = true then
end if
Hopping you will understand what I want to do...