Hi All I am trying to download a load of files from an FTP server, I connect ok, and can read the folder names in the top level, but don't seem to be able to go down to get files at subdirectory levels, files(i) always comes back as Zero. I have tried changing paths, sending FTP commands but...
This is a simple file transfer app. (that will be part of a much bigger beehive inspection application - already written but now growing). This part copies the database from the logging device (an Android phone Samsung SM-J700F running Android 6.0.1) to a PC running the latest version of Windows...
Sub FTPFileList
FTP.Initialize("FTP", "Dell-R230", 21, "FTPUser", "B4XFTP123.") 'FTP login details - Server
Dim SF As Object = FTP.List("/")
Wait For (SF) FTP_ListCompleted (ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean, Folders() As FTPEntry, Files() As FTPEntry)
If Success Then
For Each FTPFile As FTPEntry In Files
End If
End Sub