Android Question How to initialize bitmap in this context?


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I have the following code, and I get an error complaining that the bitmap is not initialized

    Dim rfl As Reflector
    Dim obj As Object
    Dim B As Bitmap

    obj = rfl.CreateObject("")
    rfl.Target = obj
    rfl.RunMethod2("setDataSource", vidfile, "java.lang.String")
    B = rfl.RunMethod3("getFrameAtTime", 0, "java.lang.long", 3, "")
    Dim HV As Int = B.Height 'Error on this line
    Dim WV As Int = B.Width

The strange thing is that I only get it on some devices. How should it be initialized in this context, where something will be assigned to it just afterwards?


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Longtime User
Bitmaps are just place-holders, so after dimming it, call bitmap.initialize with the fewer args possible...
You can reassign which ever bitmap you want, when you want...
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