1. STOP posting your stuff about modern talkking, Dieter Bohlen and who ever. No one is interested in these comments here. It is also NOT RELEVANT for this forum at all!
I´m not a Kommandant. I´m not in the army
About your issue. All the tools which says it can be done in the past where using hacks to stop whatsapp, open the whatsapp-database and insert things there and then they do start whatsapp again.
There is only a very limited "Api" to send whatsapp messages. But no one to send a message completely without user intervention.
There is also no api to know if whatsapp is installed on the device with number xy.
They limit so much how you can interact with their App. Never used iOS but I have read Apple is FAR WORSE, like a Communist Regime FULL SPECTRUM DOMINATION control