For Each f As String In Array("giphy-downsized.gif", "loading_large.gif", "progress.gif")
B4XGifView1.SetGif(File.DirAssets, f)
Dim jo As JavaObject = B4XGifView1.GifDrawable
jo.RunMethod("setLoopCount", Array(1))
Dim duration As Int = jo.RunMethod("getDuration", Null)
This JavaObject-thingy is really powerful. This is reflection, right ?
Is there any documentation out there, where I can look at, in order to find the available methods for an object, in this example, B4XGifView.Drawable ?
And how can I find out that I should use the B4XGifView.Drawable object, and not another one ?
Is there any documentation out there, where I can look at, in order to find the available methods for an object, in this example, B4XGifView.Drawable ?