I haven't seen Klaus' code from that example, but you should be doing something along the lines of :
ScrollView1.Panel.Height = 200dip * Bitmaps.Size 'Set the inner panel height according to the number of images.
For i = 0 To Bitmaps.Size - 1
Dim iv AsImageView'create an ImageView for each bitmap
iv.Initialize("") 'not interested in any events so we pass empty string.
Dim bd AsBitmapDrawable
iv.Background = bd 'set the background of the image view.
'add the image view to the scroll bar internal panel.
ScrollView1.Panel.AddView(iv, 5dip, 5dip + i * 200dip, ScrollView1.Width - 10dip, 190dip)
Which is from another tutorial iirc.
You need to ensure that you add each panel one by one, adding them to the 'end' of where the previous panel finished. which is the last line above, inside the For Loop. You then also need to ensure that the ScrollView itself is given a size, which I'm sure you have.
I'm a little confused by your statement
Panel and all it's children I think you need to expand that slightly or give us some more code to go on, as in what the children are, etc.. Otherwise I don't think it's possible to help you as quickly as I'm sure you'd like.
ScrollView is great, once you get it working, but it can be a real pita to get it working and it's fiddly as it's effectively a manual process on all fronts as opposed to ListView which sorts out a lot of the sizing for you.