B4J Question How to make a FileBrowser


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That's right, I want to create a filebrowser (explorer like) with a combobox on top (to select a drive) of each 'view' whatever view should be used for this? It should display the folders and files on each side. A button to copy a folder, a file, move the same, and delete folder and subdirs, and delete a single selected file. This is a way to get started. Thanks for your help.


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Btw Will jFileWatcher library fully support both Windows and OSX? I have not had the time to study your library yet but moving towards it.
Any source code examples with your lib will go along way, any links you can provide to read more about it? thanks.
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In experiments run by me and other users, it performs quite well on all tested OSes.

The thread for the library has some code samples and the library itself is heavily documented.
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Seems great. Your libraries shines like always May I ask what controls you recommend, treeview? It should support images for the folders.
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