How can we make an adaptable and multiline EditText, something similar to whatsapp, when characters are entered the height of the EditText increases or decreases (EditText1.Height)
Example of implementing a chat layout. It is based on xCustomListView. The text is created with a hidden BBCodeView (BCTextEngine) and the bubble is drawn with BitmapCreator. Extracting the image from BBCodeView is not trivial. See the code. The code is implemented in the Chat class which is...
Hello, after 3 days work on it, it is finished. The goal was to expand the Eddittextbox automatically like WhatsApp here: And i want to share my Code with you, to save time for other. in this tutorial I use the following components: 2 ImageViews (for the photo and send button) 1 Edittext...
Hello, after 3 days work on it, it is finished. The goal was to expand the Eddittextbox automatically like WhatsApp here: And i want to share my Code with you, to save time for other. in this tutorial I use the following components: 2 ImageViews (for the photo and send button) 1 Edittext...