Android Question How to make the module return values?


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Longtime User
Hi all,
Assume I created the library which has Translate as the method. When I use it as below
Dim NewStr as String= TK.Translate("Text")
it return only string for NewStr,but I would like the response return value of succuss(True/False) too. How to coding? I need to recursive loop if it's False by instead of a new input.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Klaus,
The last option is my result,but I 've never seen how to coding,altrough the first option,I think that I could do.
Do you have some a example? Thank you in advance.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you ,Erel (I 've never used Type command before in my life.)

Bring Type command in creating the library,Should I use public or not?
Public Type TranslationResult (Text As String, Success As Boolean)
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