Hi, Looking at the xlistview example, I am trying to wrap my head around how to populate it with data from database, with layout that has like 5 labels.
Where do loop to load the data? is it in Sub xLv_PanelRequested(Index As Int)
Here is a sample of the data i need to load
Where do loop to load the data? is it in Sub xLv_PanelRequested(Index As Int)
Here is a sample of the data i need to load
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim root As List = parser.NextArray
For Each colroot As Map In root
Dim noticetitle As String = colroot.Get("noticetitle")
Dim noticemessage As String = colroot.Get("noticemessage")
Dim noticedate As String = colroot.Get("noticedate")
Dim id As String = colroot.Get("id")
Dim noticeviews As String = colroot.Get("noticeviews")
Dim noticeauthor As String = colroot.Get("noticeauthor")