USB is serial, isn't it? you only need converter.
I didn't use USB lib, but if I needed direct coonection (wired) between Android and my controller then will use it..
If you must connect your pcb wirelessly, then I think you will need to do some kind of interfacing the bluetooth or the usb. I didn't try what's called arduino because I don't like to use off-the-shelf controllers that are desined and made with functions I don't need and misses features I need, including size and component layout. What I am using is a tiny module called bluetooth to TTL adapter, in this case your serial port should be TTL levels (not rs232).
Sorry, my formulation may be has some error.
I must make a apps for the demoboard.
It must use the serial/uart on the board.
The mapping name is s3c2410_uart0 and s3c2410_uart1
How can I do for it?
Having real serial ports on an Android device is unusual. The best source of information as to how to use them would be the device manufacturer. It will depend upon how the hardware is implemented and if/how the Linux kernel recognises them. You might, or might not, also need an additional native mode driver to be able to set the baud rate and other characteristics of the ports.